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Register on a server

Once you have decided which server to register with, it's time to create an account.


Here, is used as an example, but registration method is generally the same for other servers.

However, the information you enter may vary depending on the server. Please contact your server administrator for more information.



First, find and click the "Register on this server" button on the landing page.

Register to this server button

The main items to be filled out are as follows

The main items to be filled out are as follows

  • Invitation code (only if registration is by invitation only. If you do not have one, you will not be able to register.)
  • Username (Cannot be changed later. Once you delete your account, you will not be able to get the same username again.)
  • Email address (some servers don't require it)
  • Password

Fill out the required information

Once you have filled out the required information, you will receive an confirmation email for servers that ask for a email address, so please click on the link in the email as soon as possible.

Confirmation email

With this, registration to a Misskey server is complete!

Now you are also a Misskist! Please enjoy the fun communication.